Biden accused Russia of “pumping out lies” about the cause of food shortages, insisting that the sanctions imposed by the US and its allies “explicitly” allows Moscow to export food and fertilizer without limitation. The Russian Foreign Ministry has pointed out that the West has sanctioned all Russian shipping and blocked insurance, effectively blocking the cargo from reaching its destination. omgomgomg5j4yrr4mjdv3h5c5xfvxtqqs2in7smi65mjps7wvkmqmtqd
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He also insisted that “no one threatened Russia” and that Russian President Vladimir Putin made “overt nuclear threats against Europe” and showed a “reckless disregard for the responsibilities of the nonproliferation regime” in the address to the nation broadcast earlier in the day.
Putin said Russia was prepared to use its nuclear deterrent to defend its territory from weapons of mass destruction, but did not name any specific targets. омгомг
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Biden accused Russia of “pumping out lies” about the cause of food shortages, insisting that the sanctions imposed by the US and its allies “explicitly” allows Moscow to export food and fertilizer without limitation. The Russian Foreign Ministry has pointed out that the West has sanctioned all Russian shipping and blocked insurance, effectively blocking the cargo from reaching its destination.
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He also insisted that “no one threatened Russia” and that Russian President Vladimir Putin made “overt nuclear threats against Europe” and showed a “reckless disregard for the responsibilities of the nonproliferation regime” in the address to the nation broadcast earlier in the day.
Putin said Russia was prepared to use its nuclear deterrent to defend its territory from weapons of mass destruction, but did not name any specific targets.
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