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Ready to beat the house? Roo Casino gives you a full list of tools that you can use to help improve your game and beat the house. If you’re new to playing at Roo Casino, we’ve got a whole set of tips just for you. If you want some more focused information on how to improve your card counting, cardsharping or other techniques, there’s an entire section of our website dedicated to doing just that!
Roo Casino Australia, one of the best online casinos that offer great variety, convenience and security to its players.
From the creators of the Bananas in Pyjamas triathlon and Bananas in Pyjamas tracksuit, comes Roo Casino Diaries – a unique and exciting new show with equal parts fun and entertainment. The players invited to join Mark Selby in his casino are asked: “If you could become friends with anyone in the world who would it be?” And over five episodes, their choices are debated on a weekly basis. With celebrities from all walks of life adding their perspectives, this is a must-see series for all Roo Casino fans!
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