

藪塚先生のお弟子さんたちに混ざって、正月のお花を心を込めて活けました。2019年は 私にとって 節目の一年でした。第10回の発表会。入間市でピアノ教室を始めて20年。講師になって30年。
今まで教えてきた生徒一人一人の顔がそろそろキャパオーバー(笑) 有り難いことです。良いお年をお迎えください。2020年も幸多き年になるように願って ます。保護者の皆様、いつもお気遣いありがとうございます。

“生徒たちと正月花” への281,876件の返信

  1. Hi guys! :]
    I’ve faced one problem…

    You know, I’ve undisputed to form a jocose video an eye to my largest friend.
    We be struck by many standard videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts. I’ve already tried to press a cloak recorder on my phone, but it’s so values bright and early consuming.

    I’m not satisfied with various apps for the sake of downloading components directly from group networks. Most of them are awful.
    I’ve found bot requests on instagram

    It’s convenient, works fast enough, no additional actions are needed.

    But that time…
    It takes continuously to download a intimate numbers of videos. Peradventure someone acclimated t? it? How do you like it? Or do you know a accomplished choice to this app which works faster? I would be appreciative in support of any advice.
    By the way – sorry for my English :)

    I’ll give you my feedback a meagre bit later.


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